Decoding host-microbe interactions with engineered human organoids
Meirelles and Persat
EMBO Journal, 2025
Pseudomonas aeruginosa faces a fitness tradeoff between mucosal colonization and antibiotic tolerance during infections
Meirelles, Vayena, Debache, Schmidt, Distler, Rossy, Hatzimanikatis, Persat
Nature Microbiology, 2024
Spatial control of sensory adaptation modulates mechanosensing in Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Accepted in Cell Reports, 2025
Revitalizing antibiotic discovery and development through in-vitro modelling of in-patient infection conditions
Sollier, Basler, Broz, Dittrich, Drescher, Egli, Harms, Hierlemann, Hiller, King, McKinney, Moran-Gilad, Neher, Page, Panke, Persat, Picotti, Rentsch, Rivera-Fuentes, Sauer, Stolz, Tschudin-Sutter, van Delden, van Nimwegen, Veening, Zampieri, Zinkernagel, Khanna, Bumann, Jenal, Dehio
Nature Microbiology, 2024
Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron metabolic activity decreases with polysaccharide molecular weight
Wong, Chillier, Fischer-Stettler, Zeeman, Battin and Persat.
mBio, 2024
Pseudomonas aeruginosa type IV pili actively induce mucus contraction to form biofilms in tissue-engineered human airways
Rossy, Distler, Meirelles, Pezoldt, Kim, Tala, Bouklas, Deplancke and Persat.
Plos Biology, 2023
Biofilm formation on human immune cells is a multicellular predation strategy of Vibrio cholerae
Vidakovic, Mikhaleva, Jeckel, Nisnevich, Strenger, Neuhaus, Raveendran, Ben-Moshe, Aznaourova, Nosho ,Drescher, Schmeck, Schulte, Persat, Avraham and Drescher.
Cell, 2023
Archaeal type IV pili stabilize Haloferax volcanii biofilms in flow
Odermatt, Nussbaum, Monnappa, Tala, Li, Sivabalasarma, Albers and Persat.
Current Biology, 2023
Fluid flow structures gut microbiota biofilm communities by distributing public goods
Wong, Fischer-Stettler, Zeeman, Battin and Persat.
PNAS, 2023
Pseudomonas aeruginosa mechanosensing controls cell polarity during twitching by activating two antagonistic response regulators
Kühn, Talà, Inclan, Patino, Al-Mayyah, MacMillan, Engel, Persat.
EMBO Journal, 2023
Mechanoregulation of biofilm architecture promotes Pseudomonas aeruginosa antibiotic tolerance.
Cont, Vermeil and Persat.
mBio, 2023
Engineering Agrobacterium tumefaciens adhesion to target cells
Pierrat, Al-Mayyah and Persat
ACS synthetic biology, 2022
KRAB zinc finger protein ZNF676 controls the transcriptional influence of LTR12-related endogenous retrovirus sequences
Iouranova, Grun, Rossy, Duc, Coudray, Imbeault, de Tribolet-Hardy, Turelli, Persat, Trono
Mobile DNA, 2022
Mechanotaxis directs Pseudomonas aeruginosa twitching motility
Kühn, Talà, Inclan, Patino, Pierrat, Al-Mayyah, MacMillan, Negrete, Engel, Persat
PNAS, 2021
The wall-less bacterium Spiroplasma poulsonii builds a polymeric cytoskeleton composed of interacting MreB isoforms
Masson, Pierrat, Lemaitre, Persat
iScience, 2021
Time-Resolved Scanning Ion Conductance Microscopy for Three-Dimensional Tracking of Nanoscale Cell Surface Dynamics
Leitao, Drake, Pinjusic, Pierrat, Navikas, Nievergelt, Brillard, Djekic, Radenovic, Persat, Constam, Anders, Fantner
ACS Nano, 2021
Monodisperse selectively permeable hydrogel capsules made from single emulsion drops
Steinacher, Cont, Du, Persat, and Amstad.
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2021.
The membrane microenvironment regulates the sequential attachment of bacteria to host cells
Pierrat, Wong, Al-Mayyah and Persat.
mBio, 2021
Dynamics and mechanics of type IV pili
Roadmap on emerging concepts in the physical biology of bacterial biofilms: from surface sensing to community formation
Kühn and Persat.
Physical Biology, 2021
Biofilms mechanically damage epithelia by buckling
Cont, Rossy, Al-Mayyah and Persat.
eLife, 2020
Article in Materials Today: Bacterial biofilms offer insights into the mechanobiology of infections
Selected for the Biomedical Picture of the Day by the MRC: Brute-force Biofilms
Mechanomicrobiology: how bacteria sense and respond to forces
Dufrene and Persat.
Nature Reviews Microbiology, 2020
Vibrio cholerae filamentation promotes chitin surface attachment at the expense of competition in biofilms
Wucher, Bartlett, Hoyos, Papenfort, Persat and Nadell.
PNAS, 2019
Highlighted in Nat. Rev. Microbiology: Settling down on chitin
Cellular advective-diffusion drives the emergence of bacterial surface colonization patterns and heterogeneity
Rossy, Nadell and Persat.
Nature Communications, 2019
Article in and Science Daily: How Flow Shapes Bacterial Biofilms
Pseudomonas aeruginosa orchestrates twitching motility by sequential control of type IV pili movements.
Talà, Fineberg, Kukura and Persat.
Nature Microbiology, 2019
Highlighted in Nat. Rev. Microbiology: Breaking Free of Labels
Article in The Scientist: How Bacteria “Walk” Across a Surface.
News and Views by Science Daily: Bacteria walk (a bit) like we do.
Article in Medindia: New Microscopy Visualizes Bacteria Motility.
Article on Radio Canada: Les bactéries marchent aussi...à leur façon.
Article in Le Scienze: I batteri si spostano (un po') come gli esseri umani
Article in How bacteria mobility is like human locomotion
Biofilms: flipping the switch
Pierrat and Persat.
eLife, 2017
Bacterial mechanotransduction
Current Opinion in Microbiology, 2017
A periplasmic polymer curves Vibrio cholerae and promotes pathogenesis
Bartlett, Bratton, Duvshani, Miguel, Sheng, Martin, Nguyen, Persat, Desmarais, VanNieuwenhze, Huang, Zhu, Shaevitz, Gitai.
Cell, 2017
An Ohmic model for electrokinetic flows of binary asymmetric electrolytes.
Persat, Santiago.
Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science, 2016
A scaffold protein connects type IV pili with the Chp chemosensory system to mediate activation of virulence signaling in Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
Inclan, Persat, Greninger, Von Dollen, Johnson, Krogan, Gitai, Engel.
Molecular Microbiology, 2016
Type IV pili mechanochemically regulate virulence factors in Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
Persat, Inclan, Engel, Stone, Gitai.
PNAS, 2015
The mechanical world of bacteria.
Persat, Nadell, Kim, Ingremeau, Siryaporn, Drescher, Wingreen, Bassler, Gitai, Stone.
Cell, 2015
Bacterial evolution: rewiring modules to get in shape.
Persat, Gitai.
Current Biology, 2014
The curved shape of Caulobacter crescentus enhances surface colonization in flow.
Persat, Stone, Gitai.
Nature Communications, 2014
MicroRNA profiling by simultaneous selective isotachophoresis and hybridization with molecular beacons.
Persat, Santiago.
Analytical Chemistry, 2011
Quantification of global microRNA abundance by selective isotachophoresis.
Persat, Chivukula, Mendell, Santiago.
Analytical Chemistry, 2010
Purification of nucleic acids from whole blood using isotachophoresis.
Persat, Marshall, Santiago.
Analytical Chemistry, 2009
Basic principles of electrolyte chemistry for microfluidic electrokinetics. Part II: Coupling between ion mobility, electrolysis, and acid-base equilibria.
Persat, Suss, Santiago.
Lab on a Chip, 2009
Basic principles of electrolyte chemistry for microfluidic electrokinetics. Part I: Acid-base equilibria and pH buffers.
Persat, Chambers, Santiago.
Lab on a Chip, 2009
Electrokinetic control of sample splitting at a channel bifurcation using isotachophoresis.
Persat, Santiago.
New Journal of Physics, 2009