Projects are open to Masters students for their thesis and/or as 6-month paid internships for recent Masters graduates (2,500 CHF/month). We offer projects on a rolling basis in the following areas:

  1. Organoids and tissue engineering - The projects will contribute to the new development of human tissues-on-a-chip to emulate processes of infections. The projects involve engineering of the tissues themselves and the development of functional readouts including single cells transcriptomics.

  2. Microfluidics - Our lab continuously develops novel methodologies enabling mechanical control of bacterial environments. We offer projects that involve the development of complex fluidic microenvironments replicating the natural niche of microbes during colonization and infection. The project involve the development of new microfabrication tools and the use of device for the study of bacterial biofilms.

  3. Image analysis and single cell tracking - To better understand the process of infection, our lab has developed expertise in the analysis of large multiscale image data from microscopy. These data involve the visualization of microbial populations and infected tissues in 3D and over time. This data presents important analysis challeneges, in particular when it comes to tracking bacterial movements in complex environments. The goal of this project consists in developing new computational tools for the segmenntation and tracking of bacteria in noisy images and crowded environments.

  4. Advanced microscopy development

  5. Microbial physiology

To apply, send a CV and transcripts to